IMK Enumeration Activities Quarter I 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bukittinggi Municipality

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IMK Enumeration Activities Quarter I 2022

IMK Enumeration Activities Quarter I 2022

April 11, 2022 | BPS Activities

Hello #friendsdata, how was your fast today? Hope it goes well

This afternoon, I would like to share information about one of the surveys at BPS, namely the IMK (Micro Small Industry) survey which is conducted quarterly. This survey collects data related to the development of the industrial sector, especially those on a micro and small scale. The 2015-2035 National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN) places small industries as contributors to the national economy. Thus, small industries are expected to continue to grow, both in terms of management, technical and financial. For this reason, the validity of the IMK survey data is very much needed for industrial sector development planning.

BPS Bukittinggi City collects data on 50 micro and small industries every quarter. This activity takes place in April, July, October and January.

Come on #frienddata help make it a success..
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